two. alternative facts i.
I've now driven for a "full time" job for almost two months now as my last day in an office was June 21st. And here are a few tidbits and fun facts for you. All of these are absolutely 100% true.*
- The Twin Cities has its own version of the Bermuda Triangle. If you don't believe me, go on Highway 169 in Minnetonka and get off on the Bren Rd./Londonderry Rd. exit. Then make sure you go west, whatever direction you've started on 169. Towards the giant United Health Care building. Good luck trying to get out of that tangle of unknown roads that you can't see any way out of since they're all one ways directing you and any sane person's sense of navigation gets completely messed up. I. Hate. This. Place.
- If there's anything I wish for in the entire world, more than anything, it's for house numbers to be large enough and legible enough to read and they'd also light up at night. Trust me. You'll thank me when you're looking for your friends' new house at 7:27pm on January 27th for their new housewarming party and there's not a street lamp in sight.
- I thoroughly regret waiting until now for my airport pickup sticker/permit. I'm an airport ride giving machine now.
- There's nothing worse during the day than dealing with a bunch of contractors in pick-up trucks. I swear this accounts for 56% of the people on the road between 7:00am and 2:30pm. All of them think their speed is the right speed, they have the right of way no matter what, and that everyone else is a terrible driver they can honk, swear, and toss obscene gestures towards. If you knew how many encounters I have had with these males (I refuse to use "gentlemen" since they're anything but), I'd be a rich woman if I had a nickel every time.
- I enjoy that MNDoT believes that putting a sign warning of the hazards on a road will fix the problem. Ayd Mill Road in Saint Paul has "Rough Road" signs posted all along it. Yeah, no shit, pretty sure I lost half my truck from the uneven potholes. "Road May Flood" in many of these construction zones. Helpful given the heavy rains we've had. And my personal favorite in Uptown at the moment, "Center Line Unmarked" since they're... maybe repaving it? They filled cracks with the plastic toilet papery stuff, then covered everything with tar and now it's got the loose gravel and night bump things to mark all of the lane lines. But, truly. Any idiot driving can see there's no center line, does it need to be announced? I'm actually genuinely curious how much of our tax dollars go toward signage.
- You can make a ton of playlists and still be sick of every one. I need new suggestions.
- I kind of get slightly anxious when someone sits in front with me. Like, I get it, and I don't mind whatever your preference is, but like. That's kind of an intimate spot saved for friends and shotgun winners, you know?
- It's funny that at a certain time in the morning and a certain time around last call, literally the only people on the road are ridesharers. You can see the Lyft or Uber lights in their dash.**
- Rain is great for Lyft. Too much rain is not. When the water is gathering up and you're not sure if your truck is going to be swept away... time to forge your way home.
- The seventh circle in hell is reserved for those who don't use a blinker. *None of these are actual facts, but rather my opinions. And this is my world, everyone just lives in it. **The Lyft Amp is a very sore subject. I'm at the level of their reward system which should entitle me to one, only to find out they're out of them. And now they're restructuring the entire Lyft rewards so who knows if I'll ever get one. And they're to help the passenger since it's used to identify that driver, which comes in super handy during really crowded events, like after concerts or sports o
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