prologue. let's get the official stuff out of the way.


Let's kick this off by me officially saying that I don't own Lyft or any of its intellectual property. The platform belongs to Lyft and I am only a user of the platform, both as a driver and a rider occasionally.

Secondly, I don't ever want to use someone's real name in this blog. I'll do my best to rename the individual that was in my backseat, though for the record, it's rare that I remember a passenger's name at all. I glance at it quickly and then go about my day. Unless I get a request from Cher and her voice is so iconic (both singing and speaking) I'm sure I'd remember her. But until then, my passengers will all be labeled by alternative names other than their own. The only, only exception to this rule is if a passenger is so unique and over the top and the name is integral to those qualities. Because, you know, if I get Billy Bob Bobcat in my backseat and he's exactly as you would imagine someone by that name, well. I can't be faulted for using it, right?

Third, everything I write here is a true account of conversations I've had with, or instances I've witnessed from, someone in my backseat while driving for said ride share service. It's too hilarious and meaningful to make up. Sometimes, I'll get a stripper in my backseat who is FaceTiming with someone the entire trip and she's talking about a sugardaddy and his strange requests. Sometimes, I'll get a non-binary immigrant living with HIV while doing important work of educating others about steps to take to prevent HIV in the area who happens to completely brighten my day and makes a huge impact on me. Maybe it's a Texan who has never seen snow and asks, "So what do you like, do? With snow, I mean. Like, how do you live and drive?" Maybe it's a drunk couple needing a ride home that's 20 miles away but we have to go to Uptown first since the wife forgot her phone and they're both so ridiculously delightful, you're up for the extra ride. Maybe it's the most independent, badass Somali woman I've ever met. All happened. All witness to it. I'll try and share the best bits with you.

And in regards to my opinions - you learn a lot while driving as a full time job. There are more things you see that you normally wouldn't if you're going about your typical day. Gorgeous gardens, breathtaking murals and public art, and on the opposite side of the coin, some of the most atrocious road configurations or construction projects in the Twin Cities. Maybe these observations will be something you're interested in checking out for yourself because these cities here in Minnesota are pretty spectacular. If you're not a native Minnesotan, I highly recommend coming on up to our state and checking us out for something more than a giant shopping center that's supposedly a big deal.

Those of you who know me also know that I tend to swear like a sailor. I'm going to do my best to keep this one clean. Keeping it family friendly. If an occasional word slips in here or there, I apologize here and now.

Last, if you dig it, share it! Subscribe, share with your friends, this is for entertainment purposes. I like to write, I like driving, I like being a social butterfly with people I'll only talk to for 20 minutes or less. This ticks every one of those boxes and the more readers, the more fun, right?

And hey, if you're in the Twin Cities area and you need a ride, order a Lyft and you might get lucky to be featured here too.

Because after all, like Ian Malcolm almost said, "Lyft, uh, finds a way..."


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